Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#
Dosen : Tiarma Ika Yuliana
Dwi Chandra Kurniawan (13114282)
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi
Sistem Informasi
How to Improve Your Reading Skill
The main challenge posed by the Reading section is the turgid and
technical nature of the material. The passages are usually written in a
convoluted style and often contain abstruse content matter, typically of a
specialized scientific, social science or business nature.
Skim the first and last
sentences of the introduction, the first sentence of each body paragraph,
and the first and last sentences of the conclusion.
Pay attention to
transition words.
Find the main idea and
note the structure, scope, tone and conclusion.
Start working through
the questions.
Do the "easy"
questions first.
For each question,
locate the key words, go back to the necessary section of the passage, and read
the passage more carefully to locate the answer.
Make a guess before
looking at the answer choices.
Eliminate wrong answers
and choose the answer choice most similar your own guess.
Learn from the Speed Readers
You can read much faster when you guide your
eyes. Unfortunately, that is easier to accomplish on paper than it is on the
screen. Nevertheless, you should try various techniques during your preparation
until you find the one which you like the best. For example, you can guide your
eyes by the pencil provided by the test center, or you can use the mouse
pointer. Generally, there is no patent recipe, so you have to experiment.
Focus on Improving Skimming Skills for the TOEFL
Reading Section
Reading on the TOEFL exam is not necessarily “normal
reading.” In other words, students don’t have time to read the reading section
in-depth, so an essential skill is necessary: skimming. Skimming is
basically reading quickly for a general understanding of the passage, taking
note of main ideas and overall organization. How does one go about doing this?
Well, when you are skimming, keep the following in mind:
Read only the first two
or three sentences of the first paragraph and the first and last sentences of
each paragraph after that.
Move quickly across the
words as you read them – do not be tempted to read the passage word for word.
Take note of key words.
As you skim each TOEFL reading article, you will
probably notice words that are repeated or words that are synonymous with the
main idea of the passage as a whole. Taking note of key words, which are words
that define the topic and supporting points of the passage, is crucial on the
TOEFL. More than likely, questions that follow will ask specifically about key
words and if you have an idea of where they are in the passage, you will be
able to answer the questions faster.
Don’t be afraid to take
Overall, taking brief
notes on a reading passage can be helpful because it will give you an idea of
where to find specific bits of information in each passage. Sometimes, it is
useful to give each paragraph a word or phrase that best summarizes its main
idea. Keep in mind that all note-taking will have to be on a separate piece of
paper because the TOEFL iBt is now given on a computer.
Watch for connections between paragraphs.
Look for the ways in which main ideas in one
paragraph might relate to the main ideas in the other paragraphs. You might
find during your outlining process that some paragraphs actually address the
same concept; take note of them while also paying close attention to the
transitional words between all the sentences.
Pay attention to connecting words. While
connecting words are often encouraged in your writing for the TOEFL, when you
train your eye to pay attention to them in reading it can lead to a greater understanding
of a reading passage. Connecting words can often be placed into categories.
Here are several categories and their corresponding connecting words:Connecting
words that show RESULTS: as a result, so, thereforeConnecting words that show
COMPARISONS: in contrast, on the other handConnecting words that show STEPS:
first, second, next, finally
TOEFL Reading Practice
Practice these strategies by taking an academic
text, or an article from a well-established newspaper. It will really help
your outlining abilities
When you finish skimming each passage, which generally takes about
1-2 minutes, you should have an outline of the passage in your mind. This
outline will serve as a guide when answering the bulk of the TOEFL reading
questions and hopefully, a tool to get you to finish each
20-minute reading section on time!
Xample of TOEFL reading section
Questions 1-5
A distinctively American architecture began with
Frank Lloyd Wright, who had taken to heart the admonition that form should
follow function and who thought of buildings not as separate architectural
entities but as parts of an organic whole that included the land, the
community, and the society. In a very real way the houses of colonial New
England and some of the southern plantations had been functional, but Wright
was the first architect to make functionalism the authoritative principle for
public as well as for domestic buildings. As early as 1906 he built the Unity
Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, the first of those churches that did so much to
revolutionize ecclesiastical architecture in the United States. Thereafter he
turned his genius to such miscellaneous structures as houses, schools, office buildings, and factories, among them the
famous Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York, and the Johnson Wax Company
building in Racine, Wisconsin.
1. The phrase “taken to heart” in line 1 is closest
in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Taken
(D) Taken
2. In what way did Wright’s public buildings
differ from most of those built by earlier architects?
(A) They
were built on a larger scale.
(B) Their
materials came from the southern United States.
(C) They
looked more like private homes.
(D) Their
designs were based on how they would be used.
3. The author mentions the Unity Temple because,
(A) was
Wright’s first building
influenced the architecture of subsequent churches
demonstrated traditional ecclesiastical architecture
(D) was
the largest church Wright ever designed
4. The passage mentions that all of the
following structures were built by Wright EXCEPT
public buildings
southern plantations
5. Which of the following statements best
reflects one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural principles?
Beautiful design is more important than utility.
Ecclesiastical architecture should be derived from traditional designs.
(C) A
building should fit into its surroundings.
(D) The
architecture of public buildings does not need to be revolutionary
The answers
Arsitektur khas Amerika dimulai oleh Frank Lloyd
Wright, yang telah dikenal bahwa bentuk harus mengikuti fungsi dan siapa yang
berpikir bangunan tidak dipisahkan oleh arsitektur tetapi sebagai bagian
keseluruhan organik yang termasuk tanah, masyarakat, dan kumpulan masyarakat.
Dalam cara yang sangat nyata ,rumah-rumah kolonial New England dan beberapa
perkebunan Selatan telah berfungsi, tetapi Wright adalah arsitek pertama yang
membuat fungsionalisme prinsip otoritatif untuk umum juga domestik. Sejak 1906,
ia membangun Persatuan Candi di Oak Park, Illinois, gereja-Gereja yang pertama
dari yang melakukan begitu banyak merevolusi arsitektur gereja di Amerika
Serikat. Kemudian menggunakan kejeniusannya untuk struktur yang
berbeda-bedaseperti rumah, sekolah, bangunan perkantoran dan pabrik-pabrik, di
antaranya Gedung Larkin terkenal di Buffalo, New York, dan perusahaan bangunan
Johnson Wax di Racine, Wisconsin.
1. The phrase “taken to heart” in line 1 is
closest in meaning to which of the following?
Jawab : A → Taken seriously
Pembahasan : Frasa taken to heart adalah bentuk
ungkapan idiomatik dan memiliki arti “melakukan dengan sepenuh hati/serius”.
2. In what way did Wright’s public buildings
differ from most of those built by earlier architects?
Jawab : D
→ Their designs were based on how they would be used.
Pembahasan : Pada kalimat “…that form should
follow function…” menunjukkan bahwa desain seharusnya berdasarkan pada
fungsinya, untuk apa nantinya bangunan itu digunakan dan jawaban yang demikian
ditemukan di pilihan D.
3. The author mentions the Unity Temple because,
Jawab : B
→ influenced the architecture of subsequent churches
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat “…the first of those churches that did so much to
revolutionize ecclesiastical architecture in the United States” menyatakan
bahwa bangunan itu sangat mempengaruhi desain bangunan-bangunan selanjutnya.
Jawaban yang mengandung ide serupa ada pada pilihan B.
4. The passage mentions that all of the
following structures were built by Wright EXCEPT
Jawab : D
→ southern plantations
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat terakhir jelas bahwa offices, factories dan public building, termasuk
churches adalah karyanya. Sedangkan South Plantations bukanlah hasil karyanya
karena sudah didesain oleh orang terdahulu seperti yang disebutkan dalam
5. Which of the following statements best
reflects one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural principles?
Jawab : C → A building should fit into its
Pembahasan : Kalimat “…as parts of an organic
whole that included the land, the community, and the society” menyatakan bahwa
bangunan seharusnya dianggap sebagai bagian dari keseluruhan lingkungan dan
masyarakat sekitarnya sehingga dengan kata lain bangunan tersebut harus sesuai
dengan lingkungannya.
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